Monday, February 11, 2008

Hot Topic: Health care Plans

When I traveled to South Carolina before their caucus I was able to canvass the community and talk to many people about the issues that are important to them. The number one issue was health care. The number one reason why people do not have health insurance is because it is too expensive.

Here's Senator Clinton's Health care plan: click here

Here's Senator Obama's Health care plan: click here

Here's also an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal that offers a little insight.

Health care is a major issue in the country. Many countries have figured out ways to make health care universal. Senator Clinton wants to mandate universal health care, while Senator Obama wants to first lower costs and then provide universal health care. Issues are important in this election. We have to make ourselves aware of these issues and think critically about what not only sounds well, but will also pass in the legislature and work for the good of the American people. Let the Righteous Minds bloggers know what you think. Sound off.

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