Wednesday, February 27, 2008

HOT TOPIC: Credit or Debit: Are your financial accounts safe???

This article in BBC News discusses an ever emerging problem with the Chip and Pin system. Criminals are becoming better and better at hacking these machines, accessing our pin numbers, and replicating our cards. The article discusses how banks do not like to accept the fact that these machines are being hacked; they suggest that we left our pin numbers out for someone to steal them, deeming us at fault. So, despite its convenience and ever growing popularity, plastic is becoming a major nuance to consumers. Have any of you been victims of credit card or debit card fraud? If so, please share your experience; (i.e. what the bank did about it; were you reimbursed) and for those of us who are lucky enough to not have been victims, Do you view this as an area of concern? Share your thoughts.

BBC News article:

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