Today in the Washington Post, there is an interesting article about working class whites and their role in the presidential election. Here's a snippet:
Ronald Walters, a University of Maryland political scientist who tracks racial trends and is writing a book on Obama, thinks Obama's strong support from blacks made it easier for some whites in Ohio and Texas to vote for Clinton.
"There's some of that," Walters said in an interview. He pointed to exit polls from Ohio, where 62 percent of all whites lack college degrees and many are anxious about their jobs in a weak economy.
"This is a racially sensitive group," he said, referring specifically to whites who earn less than $50,000 a year and did not attend college.
"They are the quintessential Reagan Democrats," he said. "They feel they've been left" and their resentment can have social and racial overtones.
Ohio exit polls support Walters' view. Eighteen percent of white Ohio voters said race was an important factor in their decision, and of that group, three in four voted for Clinton
Check out the rest of the article, here.
No matter which way you slice it, race is playing a role in the election. Many are quick to shed light on Blacks who are voting for Obama, but on the same token there are many whites who will not vote for Obama based off of his skin color. Righteous Minds readers, let us know what you think about this.
I won't vote for a politician who
supports abortion. Obama voted against 7 out of 7 pro-life measures as Senator of Illinois. He is backed by Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood has a long track record of undermining parents, luring young people into unhealthy sexual behavior, and above all taking the lives of unborn babies through abortion.
Planned Parenthood is the nation's largest abortion provider, taking the lives of a quarter million unborn babies every year. And contrary to their claims that they offer a "choice," Planned Parenthood did not refer one single woman for adoption last year—according to their own records!
Perhaps you have even heard about Planned Parenthood taking money to exterminate black people, and how Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood is connected with Hitler and his race supremacy. The info is out there and it is sick. For this reason I will not support Obama or Hilary because they are in step with Planned Parenthood and abortion - the black people's leading cause of death.
While I do not like all the ads there, I like the info on this page.
While I understand that you are angry that Obama has a pro-choice stance, because abortion is in fact the number one killer of African Americans, you have to understand that being pro-choice is advocating for a woman to have a choice on whether to have a child or not. The key word here is choice. Defined as an option or the act of selecting, it does not mean that a person will always opt to do it. I am pro-choice because every woman has the right to decide whether or not in their current circumstance if bringing a child into the world would be what's best for her and that child.
Additionally, I understand that abortion may be a touchy issue for some depending on one's religious background (I am a Christian so I understand). However, one cannot decrease the number of abortions by outlawing the practice because that is not the root of the problem. The problem is an oversexualized society. Sexual acts are considered mostly as sport, with little education on the intimate, emotional attachments needed in a long-term relationship.
So while you may argue against abortion, remember that abortion is not the problem. The problem is the fact that our oversexualized society does little to educate the youth on the emotional aspect of sex. Therefore many, even elementary school children, are engaging in these activities not knowing the purpose, they are doing it because they see it on TV or in their homes, and people talk of it as recreation.
There are ties to having kids and one's class. As one becomes more educated one desires to have less children. Education, both schooling and sexual education, is key to decreasing the number of abortion's in society, not limiting a woman's right to choose.
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