Monday, May 5, 2008

In Defense of Rev. Wright

Father Pflegler being confronted by O'Reilly Factor Producer Porter Berry for supporting Rev. Wright and Min. Farrakhan. This is a must see!


Anonymous said...

I believe the gentleman in the video is Father Phleger, a Catholoic Priest, and not Porter Berry.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I too believe that this gentleman is a Catholic priest. Sometimes it can be hard to tell that someone is a Catholic priest when the gentleman does not wear the priest collar or when he focuses more on his own opinions instead of his Church's teachings. Nothing wrong with friendships and supporting others through hardship and misunderstanding, that is commendable. This particular byte seems to be emphasizing that point.


Anonymous said...

I found this website which discusses the church's stance about Catholics in political life. It may be of educational interest.

the full title at
