Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"White Niggers"....Wait, What Did He Just Say?

Recently, I attended a Black Student Union Meeting where we discussed the importance of race and identity. Like all mentally stimulating conversations, I left with a clear mind and a desire to discuss this issue more. Ironically, yesterday I came across this interesting little YouTube clip that I think everyone should watch. Although it is outdated these comments left me speechless.

So immediately, my mind was filled with questions. First of all, does he really believe that race is no longer a legitimate issue in the United States? Perhaps we have become so consumed in this “color blind” culture that we really think we have arrived. With the overrepresentation of minorities on television (although primarily in stereotypical roles), many in White America think that African Americans have no more to complain about. Secondly, did he really just say “white nigger” on national television? Why wasn’t this major news like the Don Imus comments, because I find this equally offensive? To use a term that has for ages been used to demean an entire race of people with such ease baffles me. I did not think people could do that. Quite frankly, the existence of this mindset confuses me and I really just wrote this post in hopes that others could enlighten me on their opinions or even to get it out there in conversation. Does race still matter? Does it even exist? Or are we as clueless as the “white niggers”. Enlighten me, enlighten yourselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YES!! racism does still exist and it will continue to exist if we continue to let words such as "nigger" tear us down as a people. It also starts with who we choose to elect in office, and that is why it is extremely important for all people but I am especially talking to the Blacks in every community, to vote! Our vote does count and until we step up to the plate it will be alot of those ignorant political sharks working "for" us and against at the same time. I was enlightened! Thanks Britt..i love you..good work!