Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Eliticism? Please...

So as you all know, Barack made a mistake and made some comments that he wishes he could take back. Barack may or may not truly care about people who are not as wealthy as him, who are at the other end of the totem pole, but at least there isn't substantial evidence that he truly feels that way.

Hillary Clinton had an opportunity to pounce on Obama's elitist remark and initially did so. But when she began to abuse this opportunity it became evident. Most importantly, she made it a point to chow down some pizza, chug some brews, and throw back some shots. Sounds like she is getting to sure of herself. This race is far from over, Hillary. Additionally, she should be the one who is considered elite and out of touch with the regular citizen because she was noted as saying that lobbyist are the true voice of the people.

McCain doesn't have much to say either. He is Republican. His record shows that he votes in favor of policies that help those in the upper half of the economic classes. The only reason he cares about these rural factory workers is because he wants to send them overseas to help in the war that "might last 100 more years." McCain is part of the party that had a large part of bringing the country into a upcoming recession and has no room to talk about how Obama doesn't care about these small town citizens.

The race is far from over people. Barack constantly gets attacked while Hillary loses campaign members left and right and has her former paster go to jail for touching children while McCain still can't get total support from his own party and is possibly in a sex scandal himself. Let Barack chug beers and take shots or commit adultery and his race is over.

Obama is essentially running against two Republicans using Rovean tactics except one is running as a democrat and she wears a skirt. He need not give up because these people will begin to make mistakes or their true colors will come out. Let them mess up their own chances Barack. Don't stoop to their levels.


Anonymous said...

I truly fail to see why you call Clinton a Republican who wears a skirt. I see her's and Obama's policies and opinions as rather similiar.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I have to agree with the above. She's supposed to hop on whatever mistake he makes (and it was a mistake). It's politics--not debating.

It's really hard to stay objective when you're supporting a candidate like Barack, but, if this situation were reversed (as it has been several times this campaign), we'd be all over Clinton.

In the long run, this is good for him. It will make him a better general election candidate and it will make him a better first term president. If Dems are going to keep the Congress in 2010 after he wins, he'll need to be able to withstand these types of attacks.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I've thought about it some more (I have no idea why I'm obsessed about this post.) I agree with most of what you wrote, but I did take issue with the "two republicans...one is running as a democrat and she wears a skirt" comment. I'm not departing far from what I said before, but adding that that line is exactly the kind of stuff Obama says he's running away from.

I will say that I agree the elitist comment is BS. Despite his ivy league education, he's the only person left running to work on the ground serving people in the most need. I just respect the way he came to public service just as I respect (and I mean sincerely respect--not just lip service) McCain's contribution to this country as a POW.

OK...I'm done (really this time).