Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hot Topics: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly!!!

Just a few news updates! Enjoy!

The Good: Calls for Hillary to drop her presidential bid are becoming louder and from more prominent voices. See NBC's Tim Russert and former Senator & presidential candidate George McGovern below.

The Bad: Clinton makes her best Huckabee impression and vows to fight on despite the unlikely odds. I admire Clinton's tenacity, but even in the political junkie in me is tired of this race. Let's move on.

The Bad part deux: The citizens of Myanmar continue to suffer while their isolationist, military government continues to refuse to open its borders. Recent reports have the death toll above 100,000 people.

The Ugly: The Philadelphia Police are at it again! The PPD has always had a strained relationship with its residents (former six-year resident myself) and incidents like this happen more often than reported. All three suspects required hospital treatment.

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